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2025-03-26 2:36 am


Killers of Kill Tony Logo


May 9, 2025 |Alexander W. Dreyfoos Concert Hall

Regulars and fan favorites from “Kill Tony”, the #1 live podcast in the world, bring their standup show on the road with KILLERS OF KILL TONY. Building upon the success and energy of “Kill Tony”, KILLERS OF KILL TONY showcases the diverse talent pool of comedians who have graced the stage of the original podcast with their wit, humor, and unique comedic styles.

The current KILLERS OF KILL TONY lineup includes Kam Patterson, Ari Matti, David Lucas and Martin Philliips. This lineup is subject to change.

Tony Hinchcliffe will not appear on this show.

Unauthorized Ticket Distributors

To avoid overpaying for your Kravis Center tickets, always purchase them from our official website, Outside ticketing companies and ticket brokers often appear to be trustworthy, but they are not affiliated with the Kravis Center. As a result, tickets purchased through these unauthorized ticket distributors are often double or triple the cost. We cannot provide customer service notifications or refunds for tickets purchased from unauthorized sites, unauthorized ticket distributors or brokers. View page for more information.

Killers of Kill Tony Logo

Unauthorized Ticket Distributors

To avoid overpaying for your Kravis Center tickets, always purchase them from our official website, Outside ticketing companies and ticket brokers often appear to be trustworthy, but they are not affiliated with the Kravis Center. As a result, tickets purchased through these unauthorized ticket distributors are often double or triple the cost. We cannot provide customer service notifications or refunds for tickets purchased from unauthorized sites, unauthorized ticket distributors or brokers. View page for more information.

Today: 2025-03-26 2:36 am

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Current Time: 2025-03-26 2:36 am