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2025-03-26 1:59 am


Female dancer in pose


Apr 29, 2025 |Alexander W. Dreyfoos Concert Hall

COMPLEXIONS CONTEMPORARY BALLET awakens audiences to a new, exciting genre with their singular approach of reinventing dance and contemporary ballet. Celebrating its 30th anniversary this season, armed with a rich Alvin Ailey lineage and a cadre of 16 stunning dancers, COMPLEXIONS has been hailed as a “matchless American dance company” by the Philadelphia Inquirer and “game changing” by London’s The Guardian.

The evening’s program includes a new work by COMPLEXIONS co-founder and choreographer, Dwight Rhoden, entitled FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Using the raw and unfiltered music of U2’s latest release, Songs of Surrender, Rhoden brings the vibrancy of the stories told by music and lyrics into the landscape of expression — drawing on the grit and honesty of these iconic songs stripped down to their acoustic best. The performance is both moving and uplifting, leaving the audience with a sense of hope for what’s to come.

View recent article from Pointe Magazine
View recent article from Dance Magazine  

PEAK performances made possible by a grant from the MLDauray Arts Initiative in honor of Leonard and Sophie Davis

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Female dancer in pose

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To avoid overpaying for your Kravis Center tickets, always purchase them from our official website, Outside ticketing companies and ticket brokers often appear to be trustworthy, but they are not affiliated with the Kravis Center. As a result, tickets purchased through these unauthorized ticket distributors are often double or triple the cost. We cannot provide customer service notifications or refunds for tickets purchased from unauthorized sites, unauthorized ticket distributors or brokers. View page for more information.

Today: 2025-03-26 1:59 am

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Current Time: 2025-03-26 1:59 am