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ArtsCamp Behavior Agreement – Kravis Center for the Performing Arts


In order to maximize the fun of ArtsCamp we have implemented the following behavior guidelines.

As a responsible camper I agree to…

  • Be present at camp from 9am – 4pm every day.
  • Ask for permission from my instructor to leave class for any reason.
  • Respect my instructors, my fellow campers and the building.
  • Bring a healthy lunch and two snacks each day.
  • Participate in all activities and share my creative ideas.

As a responsible camper I do NOT…

  • Arrive at camp after 9am or leave prior to 4pm.
  • Being inappropriate or distractive items to camp.
  • Wear unsuitable clothing or shoes.
  • Participate in disruptive or unsafe behavior.
  • Bully other campers.

What happens if I do not follow the rules? We have a strict “Three Strike” policy:

Strike 1 — If a camper is disruptive during ArtsCamp, a teaching artist will issue the camper a strike and inform the ArtsCamp Administrators.

Strike 2 — If the camper is disruptive a second time, the teaching artist and the camper will meet with the ArtsCamp Administrators for a verbal consultation, followed by a phone call to a parent.

Strike 3 — If the camper is disruptive a third time, the camper will be dismissed from ArtsCamp. A parent will be contacted to pick-up his/her child and the camper will not be allowed to return. No refund will be issued for dismissal from ArtsCamp.